How To Get Your Fresh Produce To Your Grateful Customers


Australia is home to many businesses that produce fresh food items that need to be carefully looked after, lest they spoil in transport or storage. From the plentiful seafood to the many fruits, vegetables, herbs and meat products, there are many industries that rely on good produce transport to ensure quality is maintained. If you are thinking about getting into the fresh-food industry, then the first thing you need to work out is your logistics and how you are going to get your food into the hands of those who want to buy it. With that being said, there is no better way than to use a quality produce transport company. 

What Is A Produce Transport Company?

Produce transport requires very specific conditions that are not provided in regular trucks and vans. The temperature has to be constantly monitored, there has to be a lot of room so the items are not squashed and some meats require the presence of ice or specific equipment to store them so that the meat isn't degraded. A produce transport company provides transport that is purpose-built to get your items from your farm or loading facility to the businesses that will sell your items to the customer. 

Why Shouldn't I Just Do That Myself?

The vehicles used in produce transport are expensive to buy, fit-out and then maintain, making any foray into the transportation industry quite expensive at the start. Due to this large upfront cost, if you are not constantly using the vehicles, they are basically costing you money. Most producers don't make food year-round but rather have periods where they have a lot of food to deliver and then long periods in between where nothing happens. To put it simply, it is not economical to try and transport the produce yourself unless you are trying to get into the transportation industry on the side.

How Do I Coordinate With A Produce Transport Company?

There are many transportation companies that offer produce transport, but before you begin your business relationship, you need to give them some information:

  • How often you need items picked up (organising a schedule)
  • How cold the storage has to be for specific items
  • How far the distance is and if there are any natural obstacles that make it difficult for large trucks

Once those three items are ironed out, you will be good to go. The first few pickups might be a bit awkward as you figure out how to load the items and how you should store them, but after all these teething kinks are ironed out, then it becomes as natural as any other part of your business routine. Find a produce transport company near you for more information.


25 November 2019

Cool coach drivers

I really like doing all sorts of little things to make my passengers coach trips just that little bit more comfortable. I have DVDs playing during the day and keep the coach nice and cool at night to help people sleep on those long trips. We make lots of trips to stop and stretch and also take some great photos. Australia can seem stark when you are staring out the coach window but there are some really beautiful spots along my routes that make for some beautiful shots. I meet funny people and have great adventures, which I hope you'll like reading about.